Early Winter You Stand in a Forest (JG)

You hear the wind knocking long shadows done up into
ribbons the hollow sound a stick against a log
the mud firming, the wind dries it more than the sun,
more than two weeks in July, just the wind moving some
You hear a scratching you wonder and decide a bush maybe
Forsythia brushing an oak elm some tree in the stand
nearby you say twelve weeks from now they'll be
in bloom, yellow flowers coming up soft paper
but now just wind if you had a kite you'd stand
with your back to the wind, release it, watch it move like a
wave of birds (say sparrows, sparrows are cheap)
you wonder has the heat of the last few days loosened
the trees, greased their limbs so now with this wind
they move like waves I'm sure it's not from here
this wind here the wind is quiet says please
asks for butter with its bread But this wind is too much
even for some birds they stay out of it sure
wait it out behind trees and near water


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